In accordance with the meaning of the word and practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the Church. The duties of the Deacons are to serve with the pastor and Church staff in planning and implementing worship service programs; in performing pastoral ministries; in proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers; caring for Church members and other persons in the community; leading the Church to engage in a fellowship of worship, witnessing, education, and ministry; and in leading the Church by example in performing its functions.
In accordance with biblical standards (Romans 16) deaconesses are to:
• Be a faithful servant of the Church,
• Be co-workers in the service of our Lord,
• Be supportive of the Church leadership, and
• Be wise about what is good but innocent about what is evil.
The duties of the Deacons are to assist the pastor and deacons in meeting the needs of the sick and shut-in members of the church; cooperate fully with the pastor and deacons in planning and implementing the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; recommend for benevolence Church members in need; and assist the pastor and deacons in caring for the members.
There shall be a Sunday School, divided into departments and classes for all ages under the direction of a general superintendent, for the study of God’s word. The primary task of the Sunday School shall be to lead all Church members to worship, witness, learn and minister daily; to provide and interpret information regarding the work of the Church and the denomination. Vacation Bible School shall be held each year to help further achieve the goals of the Sunday School.
The Brotherhood Bible Class, established in 1928, functions as an extension of the Sunday School and has as its central focus the study and understanding of the Bible. While the primary aim of the group is to foster a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, the concomitant objectives have been to promote and nurture the spirit of friendship and mutual association.
The Brotherhood Bible Class shall hold class discussions each Sunday morning and engage in other projects and activities established and/or adopted by the Class. Membership is open to all men of the Church and other men of the community who have been invited to membership.
The Colley Missionary Society shall give emphasis to missions and provide an opportunity for its members to grow in Christian knowledge and service. The Society shall also assist in providing and interpreting information regarding the work of the church.
Membership shall be maintained in the Jackson District Missionary Baptist Association and assistance rendered to this body and other churches n advancement of God’s Kingdom. One member shall be designated as advisor to the Mt. Helm Baptist Church Junior Matrons’ Auxiliary.
There shall be a Children’s Church which shall have as its major purpose the provision of Sunday morning Worship Services for youth age 12 and under. The Children’s Church shall provide spiritual leadership and fellowship activities for the youth of the Church and community.
There shall be a Church-wide music program supported by the several choirs; namely, the Senior Choir, the Youth Choir, the Sanctuary Choir, and the Men’s Ensemble. The music program shall be under the leadership of the choir directors whose responsibilities shall be to teach music, train persons to lead, sing and play music; provide music for Church Services and programs and to provide information regarding the church in relation to the music program.
The ushers are to greet people as they enter the Church, seat people at the proper time, hand out orders of worship and provide other materials at the time of seating. The ushers will attend to the needs of the congregation, the Pastor and visitors for all regularly scheduled worship services and special occasions where such service is required.